Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Vamos a la playa, a mi me gusta bailarrrr

This weekend the whole group went on an excursion to Nerjas, Almuñecar, and Alpujarras.  After hearing a few horror stories about the bus rides there, and how curvy the roads were I was a bit apprehensive before starting the trip.  Although the ride home was a bit vomity, the rest were not very bad at all. 

We first arrived at Almuñecar and had a short walk around the town and the castle.   Then we drove about 20 minutes to Nerjas and visited the caves.  It reminded me of the caves in Guatemala, except this time there was a path and I wasn’t slipping to my death every 15 seconds.  After the caves, everyone was starving so we all went to our buffet lunch.  I suppose the good thing about buffets is that you can get as much food as you want (or that might be a bad thing) But the real bad thing is that the food isn’t really that great, and its sort of a mystery… However, in the end there was ice cream, so I guess it was a good experience. 

After the lunch, everyone was forced to shove his or her buffet-fresh bodies into bathing suits and hit the beach! The beach we went to was small and had no sand, just little rocks.  We were able to get a spot, however the only spots left were by the toilets, it didn’t matter because the scenery was so beautiful.  And swimming a bit and talking with other members of the group, it was time to go to the hotel and get settled in.  I took the longest shower of the month, hands down.  It was the loveliest shower.  Big enough to turn around in warm water, not freezing cold and not boiling hot.  I didn’t have to hold the showerhead AND my towel didn’t smell like mildew! It was great.

After the glorious shower, we had yet ANOTHER buffet dinner.  These buffets were getting out of hand. Too much food.  My roommate and I considered going out afterwards, but after sitting down for a few, no one was really into it, so we stayed in and enjoyed a 4 euro bottle of wine. 

The next  day we set out for Alpujarras which is a town located way up in the mountains.  There, we ate lunch and took a walk in the countryside.  The walk was beautiful, but I couldn’t help but notice that there were tons of crickets hoping all over the trail.  Landing all over me.  I think nature knows I’m not a big fan so it sends the attack of the crickets to make me appreciate it.  After the walk we headed towards the bus for the ride home.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but I must have passed out on the bus because I woke up and it was my stop! So I climbed out the bus and schlepped my bag home. 

School these past two days has been interesting.  We learned about terrorism in Spain and the unemployment problem.  The programs that Spain has in order to deal with unemployment do not function very well and usually leave the Spaniards with temporary jobs that are degrading and with long and harsh hours.  the agency is called E.T.T. and in class we watched a funny video about them that is a popular song and clip in Spain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-qiEPk61pw
The video is basically saying that the jobs the people receive are garbage and in the end the man giving out the jobs gets fired and has to use the system himself. 

On a more uplifting note, I bought two dresses. 10 euro a piece! Wooo. AND lemon sorbet. It’s been a good day.

I hope the rain in the east coast isn’t too depressing!..It’s sunny and 80 degrees here.. hehehe.  Hasta luegoooo.

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