Saturday, October 1, 2011

Crip walkin' all day long.

What better way to get the full Europe/Spain experience than to experience their socialized medicine in hospital form?  Unfortunately I had the chance to do such a thing.  The other night I went out for some innocent drinks and dancing.  While on the dance floor some girl large girl steps on me with her massive heal.  Now why couldn’t it be the average Spanish girl? The 5’1 girl who weighs 90 pounds? But no, it had to be a taller larger girl who slams down on my foot without even noticing she stepped on anything.  During the rest of that night my foot hurt, but it didn’t seem so serious. 

Vale, the next morning I wake up and I literally cannot walk.  I’m limping (or doing the crip walk.. ha.ha.ha.) and by the end of the school day the pain is so terrible I decide its time to see that doctor.  However, I guess doctors take siestas also? And nothing was open so I had to wait at the emergency room.  After an hour there I finally get an xray and it is determined that no bones are broken! (yay!) Although, I am instructed to wear a compression sock and take pain medication till it feel better.  So far it’s still the same. Except for this weekend I have decided not to do anything (besides all the studying and projects I should be doing)  so that I can rest and hopefully be able to walk up to full speed by next week. form  Or at least by fall break.  Oh and the cool thing is I got to keep my xray! Feet are ever more disgusting in bone form

I had a make-shift Rosh Hashanah.  Other girl and I bought apples and honey and sat in the park in order to celebrate the Jewish new year. I guess it was better than nothing, and the weather was nice, so it made for a lovely afternoon.  ALSO. I book a trip to London! The only thing left we need to find is a hostel! They we’re out of Spanish speaking land and back to people who speak good old English!

I am SO excited for fall break.  I am visiting Prague with my boyfriend and parents.  It is one of the cities I’ve always wanted to visit! I hear that the architecture is gorgeous and the beer is great and cheap! That’s all I need to enjoy a perfect city.  I am surprisingly looking forward to the brisk weather.  I can wear my trendy circle scarf I brought from home! Also, it will still be Oktoberfest in Germany! So I’m also very excited for that.  And to see my parents, I miss the organized chaos and save-my-face pillows. 

More on the Spain front; I have exams and projects due before break and at least I’m almost finished with the project.  I wanted to walk to H&M today and get the 9 euro dress I bought in other colors, but I guess my handicap is protecting my wallet.  Oh and today for dinner my host mom gave us 6 slices of bread oozing the mayo.  I really need some pizza, or a wiener schnitzel, or something that’s not my mother’s cooking.  She means well though.. since my foot was hurting me she invited me to watch NCIS in Spanish with her while I put my foot up.  It was a good time and I think she is a very sweet lady. 

Tomorrow is Sunday so that means more rest and nothing open.  Hopefully I can construct a killer project for Tuesday’s presentation, and not eat anything with mayo. Please no more mayo.

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